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February 10th, 2025: Congrats to the Philadelpiia Eagles, MAGA People - and Gold Owners
Congratulcaions to the Philadelphia Eagles. We at Nippies are not football fans, but we know about the fantastic win over the Kansas City Chiefs. Yeah!
President Trump and those who voted for him, and love America, keep on winning every day - even though the Democrats inserted judges everywhere to stop his America First agenda. Wasteful spending is being cut, illegal alien criminals are being rounded up and escorted out of the country, and we are all a little safer because of President Donald J. Trump.
Also, is were wise enough to invest in gold 30 years ago, as we at Nippies suggested, then you are doing well financially today. Gold is climbing toward $3000 per troy ounce daily.
V-sit our chart for past gold prices and watch how GOLD has climbed.
GOld Prices through the years
January 29, 2025: Elizabeth Warren - TOOK CAMPAIGN $ FROM BIG PHARMA - Hypocrit Much?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren tried to get RFK, Jr. to PROMISE NOT TO SUE ANY DRUG COMPANIES
During today's Senate Confirmation hearings, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) grilled Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. viciously and tried to get him to make a promise regarding lawsuits against any pharmaceutical companies.
According to watchdog organization, Senator Warren has at least one Big Pharma company in her top 100 list of campaign donors.
Ischemix is a privately held pharmaceitical company which is #52 of the top 100 campaign backers for the self-proclaimed Native American, Warren.
Ischemix pharmaceutical donated to Elizabeth Warren's campaign.
More about Ischemix
January 27, 2025: 15 U.S. States / NO ID TO VOTE.
Considering you need a government issued photo ID to buy a pack of cigarettes in Pennsylvania and many other states, it is almost impossible to believe that you can VOTE in 15 United States with NO ID at all.
The states are:
The laws in our country are making less and less sense.
Let us hope President Trump saves us.
January 26, 2025: Gold Climbs!
Diversifying your investments is recommended by many financial experts, of which Nippies is not one! However, investing in physical gold may be a wise decision.
You can follow the price of gold, which is currently climbing toward $3000 per ounce, by visiting
Gold Prices and Information
January 13, 2025: Biden - What's He Up To?
The Los Angeles, California wildfires are tragic, we all agree.
But behind the scenes, Joe Biden & Company is using that major discraction to create havoc for the incoming President Trump.
What is Joe up to?
I guess we will find out on the Inauguration Day of President Trump.
As Old Joe leaves the White House, his last actions will speak volumes.
Who will he pardon? What Executive Actions will he write?
January 6, 2025: Joe Biden Symbolically Trashing The White House Prior To Eviction
Joe Biden reminds we at Nippies of the band tenant who wants to destroy the landlord's house before he is forcefully evicted.
Every day he is symbolically blocking toilets, ripping out sinks, and just generally putting sledgehammers through walls in the White House.
Before Christmas, it was Joe Biden pardoning his son and so many other criminals. Biden commuted the death sentences of murderers.
Now he is busy appointing judges who will continue to, it seems, cater to the whims of the Left - like Columba born Juan Marchan, who will be sentencing President Trump on January 15, 2025. (Marchan's daughter who works closely wiht the Democrat Party in her business.)
Judge Marchan, according to Wikipedia:
"During the 2020 United States presidential election, Merchan donated $15 to Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden's campaign, $10 to the Progressive Turnout Project, and $10 to Stop Republicans, a subsidiary of the previous."
Then we Amermicans wake up this Monday morning and find out that Joe Biden has permanently banned all offshore drilling through Executive Order.
USA Today:
President Joe Biden on Monday (Jan. 6, 2025) took sweepign action to permanently ban offshore oil and gas drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts."
This ban by Joe Biden will ban drilling for oil and natural gas from more than 625 million federal acres from future leasing.
Does anyone really think it was BIDEN who came up with that brilliant idea meant only to hurt President Donald J. Trump AND the average American?
We in the know KNOW it was the OTHER man who lives in D.C. (just one of his mansions) who likely spends sleepless nights researching every nook, cranny and loophole to screw anyone who does not keep HIM in power via his many proxies...including Joseph Robinette Biden.
December 27, 2024: Dr. Pierre Kory in 2020 Pleads for REVIEW of COVID MEDICATION DATA
In late December 2020, at the height of the COVID 19 pandemic, and before the so-called miracle vaccine was available to the public, Dr. Pierre Kory shared, with Congress, the information he had uncovered: that a readily available drug, Ivermectin, could STOP COVID spred in its tracks, and reduce symptoms in those already suffering from the symptoms - if given early enough.
All Dr. Kory, a pulmonary specialist, asked was that the NIH review the findings of he and other specialists. The review didnt happen. Instead, the pharmaceutical companies came out with a relatively ineffective array of vaccines that cost our country BILLION$ in taxpayer dollars and, perhaps, hundreds of thousands of lost lives.
We were told if you got the "jab" you would be safe. YOu were not, necessarily.
Watch Dr. Pierre Kory speak passionately about what he and his professional colleagues knew to be true about Ivermectin and it's effectiveness against the killer COVID 19/
Dr. Pierre Kory / Ivermectin / COVID 19
December 23, 2024: Merry Christmas / Happy Hauukkah / Chanukah
\We at Nippiesreg are very busy in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
Perparations began weeks ago when we began shopping for gifts for loved onoes. Early chores also included wrapping gifts, and organizing them.
Cleaning the refrigerator is a must - out with the old and in with the Christmas mean.
Update: December 27, 2024
Christmas has come and gone. It was a lovely Christmas, spent with those closest to us: our children, grandchildren and their family.
God bless us all!
November 30, 2024: Dan Bongino Testifies on DEI / Secret Service Incompetence
We at Nippies are listening to Dan Bongino testify before Congress regarding the Secret Service and what he describes as a complete "failure" to protect both then presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and rally attendees.
Copy and paste to hear full testimony of Dan Bongino:
Dan Bongino is highly qualified to testify on the subject of the Secret Service and it's duties to protect what are called "protectees".
*Dan is a former NYPD officer (1995 - 1999).
*Dan Bongino worked as a Secret Service agent from 1999 to 2011.
*Dan worked traing other Secret Service agents in 2002 in Beltsville, MD until he left that post to protect George W. Bush during his second term.
*Dan Bongino remained in the presidential protection detail during the first three years of Barack Hussein Obama, leaving in May 2011.
Dan Bongino knows a LOT about protecting the "protectee".
During his testimony before U.S. Congress in late August 2024, Bongino described the July 13th, 2024 assassination attempt on presidential candidate Donald J. Trump as an...
"apocalyptical security failure...a man (Cory Comparatore) was nurdered in front of his family...three people were shot on live television, including President Trump who came within 2 mm of having his head explode on national television in front of millions of people."
Obituary of Cory Comparatore - Copy / paste
Jim Copenhaver and David Dutch were both very seriously injured by bullets at the Butler County, PA rally. Both are PA residents who didn't know each other before July 13, 2024, but were seated only feet apart before being shot by sniper/ murderer Timpthy Matthew Crooks. Both have "recovered", but still suffer from longlasting effects of their injuries.
Dutch and Copenhaver, during later interviews, stated they feel the Secret Service failed to protect both Donald J. Trump and rally attendees on that day.
"I believe there was 100% negligence on the Secret Service, probably everybody involved in setting that security, down to inter-departmet communications," Dutch said. "The negligence was vast. It was terrible." - David Dutch statement as published in the online newspaper.
COPY and PASTE NBC interview: of Jim Copenhaver and David Dutch:
Dan Bongino is now a very popular, nationally-syndicated conservative talk radio host. His home station in in Washington D.C. at WMAL-FM radio. He broadcasts live from there daily from 12noon to 3pm - right after Chris Plante (who is also featured on Newsmax. During his testimony, Bongino not only referred to the incompetence of the Secret Service on that day, but questioned why this assassination attempt on a former U.S. President, and now future President, was largely ignored by the U.S. press and media.
Jim Copenhaver and David Dutch were both Pennsylvania residents, didn't know each other before the rally, but are now bonded over their near death experience at the Butler PA rally.were the other two men who were shot by 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks on July 13, 2024 at the Butler PA rally. Both men suffered serious injurie, but have recovered. Both men, during later interviews, have stated they feel the Secret Service failed to protect both Donald J. Trump and rally attendees on that day.
The shooter was taken out by a Secret Service sniper team on a nearby roof. Many questions remain to this day about who was this Crooks guy and how did a 20 year old outsmart the Secret Service?
One member of the committee referred to the DEI hirings in the Secret Service as DIDN'T EARN IT.
November 26, 2024: D.E.I. Stands for "Didn't Earn It".
The DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) policy of hiring has come under strong criticism of late. Many believe that skin color, gender and sexual orientation should not be strong factors in the hiring process of everything from fast food to the Secret Service.
The common saying now is that DEI stands for "Didn't Earn It".
The Left is all atitter over this interpretation of the DEI policy. But many corporations are waking up to the damage that hiring people based on skin color, sexual orientation, gender and other factors instead of MERIT is not working out.
November 22, 2024: PA Senator Bob Casey finally Concedes to Dave McCormick
What took so long?
Bob Casey could have conceded two weeks ago, but he hung on and insisted on the recount. Pennslyvania law warrants a recount if the result is withing a .05% lead, which this race had. That said, the ballots Casey wanted counted were provisional ballots - ballots without proper signatures, without the outside security envelope, not dated, etc.
The month before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that these provisional ballots are illegal and MUST NOT BE COUNTED. Casey wanted them counted anyway.
Thank GOD the Republicans have fortified the integrity of the vote compared to 2020, when cheating was relatively easy. No, we at Nippies are not suggesting Casey would have necessarily cheated. But there are plenty of fellow Democrats out there who handle ballots who may have.
Like President Trump said during his latest campaign, those people in Philadelphia CHEAT LIKE CRAZY.
November 21, 2024: Two Cases As Different as Black and White
Jussie Smollett and Rudi Guiliani
Jusse Smollett - Record Wiped by IL State Supreme Court Decision
Jussie Smollett has had his case overturned by the Supreme Court of Illinois. Jusse Smollett's record is now clean - he is no longer a convicted felon.
It was January 29, 2019 when Jusse Smollet, a minor star, who is black and gay, went to Chicago IL police and told them he had attacked by white Trump supporters at about 2am. He said he had ventured out at that late hour to satisfy his yearning for a Subway sandwich. The alleged hate crime occurred in the East Lower North Water Street area of Chicago's Streeterville neighborhooe.
As an aside, Nippies wants to know WHO ventures out at 2am in CHICAGO to get a sandwich?
Jussie claimed one of the white men who "attacked" him (it later turned out both were clearly black) yelled "This is MAGA Country" and yelling out "racial and homophobic slurs" before putting a noose around his neck, tossing bleach-like liquid at him, and mildly roughing him up.
Smollett claimed he was on the phone (2am, mind you) with his manager, Frank Gatson, at the time of the alleged hate-crime attack. Gatson did not want to involve police, it is claimed, and Smollett was infuriated by this.
A lawyer for the alleged assailants, Gloria Rodriquez, claimed Jussie had the two Nigerian-American brothers "rehearse"the alleged attack beforehand.
Jussie had Chicago, and much of the country, in an uproar over this alleged hate crime. #JusticeforJussie was everywhere. Well, according to the comedien Dave Chappelle, not EVERYWHERE. Chappelle claimed the black community wasn't buying, and that black community "understood that this N#g$er was clearly lying."
Two Nigerian-American brothers, Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo, both black and who had worked with Jussie as extras on the show Empire, later claimed that Jussie had hired them to stage the fake attack on him. The brothers also claimed that Jussie wanted the attack near a surveilance camera so it would be documented and then publicize which, of course, it was - internationally.
The ensuing "hate crime" (later determined to be a hoax) investigation cost Chicago $130,000, and Jussie Smollett was ordered to pay for that cost - although it is not clear if he ever did prior to the conviction being overturned. Jussie served only six days of his sentence.
We at Nippies don't normally promote Wikipedia, but there is an account of this incident there that our followers may want to read.
Rudi Guiliani - Taken to the Cleaners
Meanwhile Rudi Guiliani, the former mayor of New York City who was responsible for cleaning up the crime - both organized and unorganized - has been ordered to turn over all of is assets to two women, Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea ArShaye "Shaye" Moss, as part of a $148,000,000 - yes MILLION - dollar judgement against him in a civil case.
THe judge in the case, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell, is an Obama appointee. She had already found Rudi Guiliani liable for defaming the two women, who happened to be black.
"The eight-member civil jury, selected after a questionnaire and interview process led by U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell", according to an article in (See copy/paste url address below).
The eight member panel whas chosen from residents of Washington D.C. which, according to, votes nearly 80% Democrat. The jury found Guiliani, a former Trump attorney, guilty of defamation against the two former Georgia election workers, Freeman and Moss, who are, respectively, mother and daughter.
The plaintiffs happen to be black. The eight member jury, all residents of liberal Washington D.C., consisted of "two white men, three white women, two Black women adn a Black man", according to the aforementioned December 11, 2023 Politico article.
That said....the voting population of D.C. is 80% Democrat. So, that that into consideration when deciding if choosing the jury panel from Washington D.C. residents was not precariously one-sided to begin with.
So far, in compliance with the jury ruling, Rudi has had his Manhattan apartment, all his clothing, his valuable watches - including one given to him by his grandfather, his Rolls Royce, once owned by legend Lauren Bacall, his refrigerator, utensils and other items seized as part of the judgement to be paid to Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss.
November 19, 2024: Bob Casey Clinging On....Everyone's Talking
Bob Casey, U.S. Senator from PA, apparently has lost the race against Dave McCormick - but has yet to concede.
We at Nippies listen to a lot of talk radio. Chris Plante, Sean Hannity, Dennis Prager (get well soon), Mark Levin, Rich "with an S" Valdes, to mention only the household names, are on our daily must listen list.
And the fact that the PA Supreme Court has ruled against counting the illegal ballots that Casey is trying to count is the hot topic.
Bob Casey, please concede. You are only costing the taxpayers of Pennsylvania, whom you claim to care about, well over a mmillion dollars.
November 18, 2024: Senate Could Refuse to Seat Bob Casey - Sen Mike Lee
According to a Fox News story published November 17, 2024, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) has stated that the U.S. Senate could refuse to seat Bob Casey if the Democrats continue to county illegal votes in an effort to keep him in office.
Incumbent Democrat Bob Casey has refused to concede the U.S. Senate race to Dave McCormick, despite the lead of approximately 30,000 votes by U.S. Senate challenger Dave McCormick. Because of the narror lead, Casey is entitled to a recount BUT his team is counting ballots which have been deemed ILLEGAL BALLOTS by the PA Supreme Court.
The Fox News story explains:
"...questions remain about the votes Casey is tryihg to count after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that ballots that lack required signatures and dates are not allowed to be included in the official results, a ruling that is being ignored by Democratic officials in Philadelphia and surrounding Bucks and Montgomery counties."
Cafeteria Style Order of Law?
One of the two Bucks County PA commissioners who voted to ALLOW ILLEGAL BALLOTS, Diane Ellis-Marseglia, a Democrat, said last week:
"People violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it's because I want a court to pay attention. There's nothing more important than counting votes."
Just WOW.
See story below for more.
November 17, 2024: PA Senate Race
Bob Casey v. Dave McCormick Update
Bucks County PA Commissioners Vote 2-1 To Count ILLEGAL Ballots
Can you believe it?
Two of three Bucks County PA Commissioners (Robert Harviie, Jr. and Diane Marseglia) have voted to count illegal ballots in the Bob Casey / Dave McCormick U.S. Senate race.
Casey has been trailing by approximately 30,000 votes since November 5, 2024.
Many would have conceded by not. But not Bob Casey.
"The 2-1 vote of the (Bucks County) commissioners board violates a (Pennsylvania) state Supreme Court ruling issued earlier this year (2024) and goes against the advice of the board's legal team, which advised against counting the 124 illegal ballots."
Board chairman Robert Harviie, Jr. and Diand Marseglia were the 2 Bucks County commissioners who voted to accept the illegal ballots that voters signed in one section but not another after Democrats, of course, challenged the decision not to count those illegal ballots.
Commissioner Diane Marseglia's feeble explanation about why she voted to accept the illegal ballots?
"I think we all that that precedent by a count doesn't matter anymore in this country, and people violate laws anytime they want."
The recount that Bob Casey is insisting upon will cost Pennsylvania taxpayers about ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
November 9, 2024: FEMA Official Directed Workers to "AVOID HOMES ADVERTISING TRUMP"
In other words, homes of people with Trump 2024 type signs (obvious Trump supporters) were to be denied federal tax payer money for assistance from FEMA.
Marn'i Washington, a FEMA supervisor, told FEMA workers (in a "best practices" internal memo) who were canvassing the Lake Placid, FL interview home owners regarding beinalified for U.S. federal aid: to
avoid homes advertising Trump
While we do not know if Marn'i Washington, age 39 and who appears to be a woman-of-color, voted for Kamala Harris, one can venture a guess about how she felt about Donald J. Trump based on her internal memo directing workers to avoid offering help to those who need it IF THEY WERE OBVIOUS TRUMP SUPPORTERS.
November 7, 2024: Trump, Republicans and America Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins
Donald J. Trump is the 45th and now 47th President of the United States of America.
WIN: Donald easily won the 2024 Presidential Election over Kamala Harris.
WIN: President Trump easily won the Electoral College with 312 Electoral votes
- Kamala Harris won only 226 Electoral College votes.
WIN: Donald J. Trump also won the POPULAR vote by a LARGE margin:
WIN: Republicans picked up 4 Senate seats
- Democrats LOST 4 Senate seats
WIN: Republicans picked up at least 1 House seat.
POPULAR VOTE (latest figures - may have shcnged since publication):
- Kamala Harris - 69,005,168 votes (47.7%)
- Donald J. Trump - 73,337,202 votes (50.7%)
Donald J. Trump is the 2nd U.S. President to be elected to non-consecutive terms.
Grover Cleveland won in 1888 and 1892.
The following article is currently "a work in progress" with updates coming soo
November 1, 2024: Vote like your life depends on it. It does
We at Nippies have voted already. We voted for Donald J. Trump.
As a former Democrat who voted for Obama, and then got wise, I hope the great majority of Americans do the same.
You should be tired of the open borders, high taxes, division and hatred sewn by the LEFT, which is led by Barack Hussein Obama.
October 17, 2024: Obama and Biden US Billion$ Bankrolled Iran Attack on Israel
Never forget that Obama and Biden gave many billion$ of dollars to Iran over the past eight years.
This is the "Death to America" Iran we are speaking about.
We at Nippies® know one must usually go to overseas news sources to get the truth, so...
According to the BBC:
"Iran launched almost 200 ballistic missiles towards Israel on Tuesday night (October 1 2024). The Israeli military said most of the missiles were intercepted, but that a small number struck central and southern Israel. The only person reported to have been killed was a Palestinian man in the occupied West Bank.
It was Iran's second such attack on Israel this year, after it launched about 300 missiles and drones in April."
Obama started funding America-hating, terrorist funding Iran in in 2016 with pallets of gold send in the middle of the night without the immediate knowledge of the American people or Congress.
He got away with it, of course, by claiming we owed Iran all that money, which included a fortune in interest. He stuck his arrogant chin in the air and dug in his heel in the dirt with that how dare you doubt me flair he is known for.
October 3, 2024: Dockworker's President Makes Over $1Million Annually
We at Nippies® learned from Chris Plante / WMAL that Harold Daggett, the president of the ILA, mades over $1million per year.
ILA stands for International Longshoremen's Association.
According to Chris Plante, Daggert's two sons make over a combined $1million per year. WOW!
Daggert is the man who is threatening to "cripple" the supply chain in the USA with the strike of his dockworkers. This union has over 45,000 workers. The strike will involve port workers from the East and Gulf ports of the United States.
This strike is the first of U.S. dockworkers in 50 years. That said, you can easily empathize with the dockworkesr until you consider what the workers are asking.
They ILA has already turned down a 50% salary increase (spread out over a few years). The rest of Americans, including retired, are struggling with less than 4% in Social Security COLA increases for this year.
The longshoremen (are there women in that group?) want a 77% increase in pay, plus more in pention and health insurance benefits.
There are other demands.
According to reporter Aliss Highman, of Newsweek, in an October 2, 2024 article:
"Workers from Maine down to Texas wolked off the job on October 1 after negotiations between the ILA and the United State Maritime Alliance (USMX), which represents employers of the East and Gulf Coast longshore industry.
Leading the charge is Daggett, a longtime union member who believes port employers are underpaying workers and increasing automation along East Coast docks.
This is a LONG way from ON THE WATERFRONT, the 1954 Marlon Brando, Eva Marie Saint film directed by Elia Kazan.
October 2, 2024: Trump Raised $160,000,000.00 in Septmeber
According to,
"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign, together with the Republican Party, raised over $160 million in September and closed the month with $283 million cash on hand, the former president's campaign said on Wednesday."
The September figure is a 23% increase over the $130 million raised by the RNC in the previous month of August.
According to the same article in Reuters, the Democrats raised $361 million in August, giving her campaign a clear advantage over President Trump.
But were did her money come from? Most of Doaald J. Trump's contributions come fron ordinary individuals.
One only has to watch TV to see that the Democrats are running radio and television ads constantly. Often, there are "misinformation" and "disinformatio" (Dem talk for lies) in these ads.
Examples of misinformation and disinformation, aka LIES?
The Harris for President ads constantly refer to Donald J. Trump backing the
yet former President Trump, well over a month ago, publicly denied association with this Project 2025, promoted by The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
Another lie? That Donald Trump will "effectively" inflict up to a 40% "income tax" om Americans. The "income tax" is actually a TARIFF ON FOREIGN GOODS.
At the same time, we have yet to bear which McDonald's Kamala Harris worked at, and we had to endure the false valor of Tim Walz.
Finally, Kamala Harris has visited the border, despite being in the VP office, and in charge of the Southern Border of the United States, for nearly 4 years.
August 24, 2024: Federal Agengies and FACIAL RECOGNITION
Should you have to submit to government issued ID, which translates to FACIAL RECOGNITION to obtain / keep basic rights?
Here is a list of known Federal agencies which use / require government issued photo IDs to access services.
That means FACIAL RECOGNITION, which is used by the FBI to track down both the innocent and the guilty.
Federal Agencies in USA using, which require facial recognition / government issued ID
Nippies ® July / August 2024: Nippies ® In a Nutshell.
JD Vance - A true story of achievement of the American dream - by a TRUE AMERICAN.
Kamala Harris - Kacklin' Kamala, Kameleon Kamala, no matter what you call her, she is a scary prospect as potential POTUS.
Tim Walz - Watched Minneapolis burn for days, appears guilty of stolen valor.
The Assassination Attempt on former President Donald J. Trump - exposes the ineptitude of the Secret Service.
Thomas Matthew Crooks - 20 year old who outsmarted both Secret Service and the local Butler PA police.
Secret Service: see above.
Kimberly Cheatle - disgraced, and now resigned, head of the Secret Service and Jill Biden's friend.
Jonathan Lewis Jr. - 17 year old stomped to death by mob of 10 behing a Las Vegas high school.
See our story of August 12, 2024. A heartbreaking story of injustice.
Judge Tierra Jones - first black female judge in Nevada allows 4 alleged killers to plead as juveniles. Some may the four may now be 18. No one is saying.
Las Vegas - city where Jonathan Lewis Jr., was stomped to death by a mob of 10, who were then allowed to plead guilty as juveniles.
Israel - birthplace of Jesus. Christians, wake up. Jesus was a Jew.
Iran - got billions from Obama, then Biden even after crying "Death to America".
Now theh are days from a nuclear bomb, thanks to the generosity of OBiden.
We at Nippies® listen to former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who now has a very popular 105.9 radio show from 12 noon to 3pm Monday thru Friday. He follows Chris Plante, another popular radio host.
WMAL is based in Washington D.C., and the radio hosts there know what they are talking about when it comes to government goings-on.
As a Secret Service agent, Dan worked to protect both George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama. As such, he saw and heard a lot.
Dan Bongino has gone on record as saying he cannot stand Obama.
Many think that it is Barack Obama really running this country from behind the curtain. The former POTUS hinted that that is what he would like to do, and it appears he has been doing it.
That said, Dan Bongino recomments that we all VOTE EARLY or our vote may not happen. There has been chatter of hacking, and other interruptions, which may occur as we get close to Election Day 2024.
Understand this: it is vital that we all get out and VOTE TRUMP as soon as or states allow EARLY VOTING.
If we wait, we may not get to vote at all. / Vote Early
August 19, 2024: ID, Walls, Policeand other Hypocrisy at the DNC / Democratic National Convention in Chicago
IDs galore are needed to get into the Chicago Democratic National Convention.
Walls are up all around to keep out the riff raff.
Up to 500 police will protect the "star studded" attendees.
But that doesn't work to protect the vote or to keep out illegals.
The hypocrisy of top Democrats is so strong it is now a stench.
August 12, 2024: Alleged Killers of 17-Year-Old Jonathan Lewis, Jr. Given Last Minute Sweetheart Deal
For nine months, Clark County (Las Vegas NV) D.A. Stephen Wolfson led the public, parents and loved ones of 17 year old Jonathan Lewis, Jr. to believe that his four alleged killers would be tried as ADULTS for 2nd degree MURDER.
Then a gut punch was delivered: the four alleged killers (caught on several videos stomping and kicking the unconscious body of Jonathan) would be allwed to plead guilty as JUVENILES to the far lesser charge of MANSLAUGHTER..
The alleged KILLERS are:
Gianni Robinson
Damien Hernandez
Treavion Randolf
Dontral Beaver
Five other attackers were charged as juveniles.
A total of NINE THUGS had kicked and stomped ONE unconsciouness seventeen year old boy on November 1, 2023 less than 300 feet from their school. They didn't stop until someone lamented they'd better get out of there before the police come. Then, like cock roaches, the mostly hoodie-wearing gang fled.
Jonathan never regained consciousness and died 6 days later on November 7, 2023. Cries of "Justice for Jonathan" rang out, and, while the world was looking, it looked like "justice" would be served. The four older teens were indicted by a Clark County Grand Jury, in January 2024, on 2nd degree MURDER charges as ADULTS, to which they pled/pleaded "not quilty".
News of the thugs being charged as ADULTS made headlines around the world. And the world waited.
Then, on August 1, 2024, those who loved Jonathan and were waiting for justice to be served were gut punched.
On that day, a Thursday, District Attorney Wolfson, with the approval of Judge Tierra Jones, known as the first black female judge in Nevada, pulled a last minute switcheroo: the four older of the mob, a few who may be 18 by now, were allowed to agree to plead guilty as JUVENILES to the lesser charge of MANSLAUGHTER.
Jonathan's mother, Melissa / Mellisa Ready, was "dumbfounded" when she learned of the plea deal: she had not been informed ahead of time about this travesty of justice.
According to, Jonathan's mother, upon learning of the deal, said the four (pictured above) ere "getting away with murder".
Excerpt from
"You cannot jump in (on) a human being's head, stomp on him, and think they're going to remain alive after," Mellisa Ready, the mother of the late high schooler Jonathan Lewis, told Las Vegas CBS affiliate KLAS-TV.
"They knew he was going to die, and that's how I feel - and they're letting them get away with murder."
Ready said she was "dumbfounded" when she heard of the last-minute plea deal.
The deal was made public on a Friday (August 2, 2024), which we at Nippies® think was no coincidence: news gets buried and forgotten about on the weekend, especially the this 2024 election year where the names Biden, Trump, Harris and Walz suck up all the oxygen.
Background: The Mob Attack on Jonathan Lewis, Jr.
On November 1, 2023. seventeen year old Jonathan Lewis, Jr., a white student at the predominantly minority (93% minority, according to Rancho High School in Las Vegas, NV, had no intention of getting involved in an after-school fight. Jonathan was accompanying a friend to the meeting place - an alley behind their school. The meet-up was to hash out the theft of Lewis's friend's air buds and vape. Jonathan was tall and wiry. His friend, still unnamed, has been described as on the "small" side.
Jonathan and his friend found out quickly they were horribly outnumbered: the alleged air bud thief was accompanied by 14 apparent supporters. Jonathan was pushed into a fence by multiple students, then thrown to the ground where he lay defenseless as up to 10 at a time repeatedly stomped and kicked at the defenseless, and soon unconscious, boy, but the mob continued their attack on the unconscious boy for at least 30 seconds until someone yelled they'd better get out of there before the police came.
Jonathan's beaten and bloody, limp body was carried back to the Ranch HS campus by an unidentified student and another person. 911 was called and Jonathan was transported to a local hospital where he died six days later from the blunt head trauma.
The Videos
Multiple videos of the events of that day have surfaced online. Many are edited to take out sound. None show more than a few seconds before the mob attack on Jonathan Lewis Jr. began. So we don't know what caused Jonathan to take off his shirt and throw a punch. But the original videos were enough to cause a Clark County grand jury, in January 2024, to indict the four oldest of the alleged killers. They were charged as ADULTS on charges of 2nd DEGREE MURDER.
Trying To Justify the Unjustifiable
Family members of one of the accused teens claimed that there was a knife at the scene carried by Jonathan's friend, but there is no evidence on any of the multiple videos to back this up claim, clearly made to excuse the violent behavior of their family member. The family member has not been named.
The Attack Was Devoid of Humanity
From a BBC article of November 16, 2023...
"The teens began "kicking, punching and stomping him, our victim Jonathan, as he is on the ground", Las Vegas Metropolitan Police's homicide lieutenant Jason Johansson told a news conference on Tuesday."
Mr (Lt.) Johansson declined to show the video to the press, describing it as "very graphic" and "devoid of humanity".(end of BBC quote).
Flash Forward Nine Months: Judge Tierra Jones
On August 1, 2024, in a surprising move, DA Wolfson agreed to lessen the charges and Judge Tierra Jones made the stipulation that the four must all agree to plead guilty to manslaughter in the juvenile court or the deal was off.
What a joke.
Oh boy. Let's see...would we rather be tried as ADULTS for MURDER, or JUVENILES for MANSLAUGHTER.
Remember, the attack was well documented on many videos.
Jonathan Lewis, Jr. had his whole life ahead of him.
Loyalty cost him his life.
July 13, 2024: : Where Were YOU When President Trump Was Shot?
We at Nippies ® will NEVER FORGET
The second quarter hour after 6pm - nearly every adult American knows where they were and what they were doing when they heard about or saw on television what turned out to be an assassination attempt Donald J. Trump.
We at Nippies® were out walking around a large baseball field with Mr. Nippies. It was a warm, sunny early evening and we'd opted to do our daily constitutional outside instead of at the gym later on.
Mr. Nippies and I had not even completed the first lap when my cell phone rang. The screen indicated a call from our adult son. There was no apprehension on my part when I answered because our son calls and texts often just to tells us he loves us and to say hello.
This call caused my heart to pound.
"MAW! MAW!" was spoken loudly and urgently in my son's most panicked voice. I'd already turned on the speaker phone so my husband could share in the conversation.
"Maw, TRUMP IS SHOT. Somebody shot Trump. He went down. I don't know if he's dead. No, wait, wait. He got up and there is blood running down his face from his ear.
The fear, the panic was palpable in my son's voice. I was terrified. My husband was panicked.
"Is the blood coming OUT of his ear? Like he got shot in the head? Where is the blood coming from? Where? Does he look alright?"
After a conversation of a few more minutes, my husband and I headed for home. A leisurely walk was no longer on the menu.
Like so many other Americans and non-Amermicans alike, Mr. Nippies and I were glued to the television - just as we were the day the Twin Towers were attacked by the Islamic jihadists.
More to come...
June 28, 2024: Biden's Disastrous Debate Performance
Joe Biden show the world how doddering and inept he is. Hardly anyone was surprised, least of all we at Nippies ®. That said, even his staunchest defenders (except for Jill) can no longer defend him. He is incompetent to be President of the United States.
Here's the question: who is really running this country?
If he cannot even speak in public or take questions with notes and teleprompter, how is he writing all these Executive Orders and making decisions which, without exaggeration, effect the entire free world?
The question is: when will the Democrats finally acknowledge what the rest of the free world already knows? That Joseph Robinette Biden / aka Joe Biden / is a PUPPET. Who is the Puppetmaster? I think the sasvvy among us know.
The following is an original story from Nippies®.
June 24, 2024: Beware The Groupie
Some entertainers have huge egos and are greatly insecure - especially if they had less than idyllic childhoods. The problem of insecurity is especially compounded if the entertainer's mother gave less than unconditional love or was neglectful or self-centered or, possibly, not there at all. She may have been an alcoholic, a gambler, a narcissicist, etc.
It's often a mother's love is what forms our own ability to give and receive love.
If denied unconditional love by the mother, or mother figure, in early childhood, a male entertainer may tend to seek that sort of love from all females - especially love interests - for the rest of his life. This type of male entertainer will attempt to surround himself, whenever possible, with women willing to supply this type of doting, self-sacrificing and dedicated female(s). Spouses and girlfriends must be willing to continually feed the ego of The Star in exchange for having their own needs met - and those needs had better be minimal!
Heterosexual male entertainers of this type instinctively gravitate toward females with low self-esteem. The esteem issue could have come from one or more abusive boyfriends/husband, weight or other appearance issues, neglectful or cold parents, shyness, poverty - for whatever reason.
Male entertainers can maintain this type of female, now referred to as a groupie, with far more success than female entertainers with male groupies because of the sex vs. romance issues. To men, sex is NUMBER UNO! Not so with women, for the most part.
To most women, romantic love is paramount and sex a nice by-product or romantic love. The fantasy of romantic love combined with sex is, of course, usually present within the psyche of the female groupie.
And so the promise of a romantic relationship with whom we will now refer to as The Star makes a female groupie of this type easy to control. These groupies are willing to share their time and place with The Star with other female groupies because, in private, it is hinted to the groupie (by The Star) that, although there may be other female groupies in the star's life, "you really are number one" and perhaps even "my best friend." An occasional dinner or inexpensive gift, a pat on the head, a peck on the cheek goes a long way in assuring that the groupie will remain loyal.
Some of these female groupies may be willing to put all of - or nearly all - of their own desires and needs (and sometimes even other their duties to their own friends and/or family members) temporarily on the back burner in an attempt to "earn" The Star's love. We will call the groupie with that depth of obsession The #1 Groupie. The #1 Groupie is the one willing to sacrifice all and wait, wait and wait for The Star to reward her devotion. And, of course, the reward will, very likely, never come.
The #1 Group spends all her extra time, energy and money on making The Star happy. If they are in a commited but unfulfilling relationship with a man, as is very often the case, The #1 Groupie may make a full break from that boyfriend or spouse. The #1 Groupie feels she must always be available, always be there in case The Star needs her. Sacrifice of this sort is done gladly in return for the opportunity to bask in the sunshine of The Star's life - and in the hope that someday such loyalty and devotion will be rewarded by - The Star's LOVE!
Yes, The Star probably already has a girlfriend or wife, and it is hinted (but rarely stated as fact) to The #1 Groupie that the girlfriend/wife is neglectful OR demanding OR selfish OR controlling OR lazy OR a shrew OR has let herself go OR fill-in-the-blank. From the little things she doesn't do - but which the #1 Groupie does do - it is clear that she just doesn't understand or appreciate or deserve The Star. But for one reaason or another he cannot leave her, at least not yet, because....
she's the mother of his children
the children are young and when they graduate...
he and she have been together so long
leaving her may somehow hurt his career
she'll fall apart if he leaves
his/her religion forbids divorce
she's wipe him out financially, etc. etc etc.
The unspoken message from The Star to The #1 Groupie: you must never become needy and demanding like the wife or girlfriend! And so The #1 Groupie remains pleasant and totally dedicated because someday all this will pay off and The Star will realize that she is more than his "Best Friend" - she is his SOUL MATE!
A few inside jokes between The Star and The #1 Groupie about The Wife or The Girlfriend also serves as the cement which creates a strong bond between the two. Disrespecting statements made by The Star to The #1 Groupie indicate to her that she's really special to him.
Of course there are often multiple other groupies in The Star's life. These are secondary groupies. One or two may grow closer to The Star than The #1 Groupie is aware of. The Star is quite clever at compartmentalizing his relationships.
The secondary groupies want only the best for The Star, as well.
Whatever makes The Star happy makes them happy. They have heard innuendos and rumors of his unhappy marriage. But he deserves happiness and, if it appears that The #1 Groupie - or another adoring female - makes him happy, well, if he's happy, the groupies are happy!
And so, whenever possible, the secondary groupies feed his ego. In exchange, they are made to feel special themselves though regular phone calls, stolen time away, vague greeting cards, e-mails, etc. The secondary groupies may remain with their husbands/boyfriends who are blissfully unaware of - or perhaps don't really care about - their wife's or girlfriend's little fantasies.
It's all just in fun and certainly no threat to their relationship.
With secondary groupies, this is usually true.
The secondary groupies do not feel threatened by the #1 groupie - and may even feel sorry for her - because, in the back of their mind, they know where their priorities should be and, besides, they know she really doesn't have a chance - and neither do they.
Unfortunately, the wife or longtime girlfriend has no idea about how involved these groupies are in The Star's life. Initially the groupies may be mentioned, but as they become more important and involved there is more subterfuge.
The use of cell phones - and calls made out of the home - is the common method of communication. And the time spent after performances with these groupies is never mentioned except in passing.
Time spent alone with any one groupie is never admitted to by The Star.
Besides, when The Star initially mentions these women he always describes them (to the wife/girlfriend) in a way which will make the wife/girlfriend feel that makes the wife feel unthreatened.
Descruotuibs if tge groupie by The Star may be:
"she's been so sick for years"
"she's so heavy she can hardly walk"
"everyone knows she's crazy", etc.
The wife must remain at home attending to the children, available for her job, for running The Star's or other business -and show business is a business which involves a LOT more time and work than just one person climbing onto a stage. Odds are great that the wife will never meet the #1 Groupie.
June 11, 2024: Jill Biden's Flight to Hunter's Trial from France Cost Taxpayers Hundred$ of Thousands.
Instead of staying in Paris for the visit with her husband, Joe Biden, to French President Macron, Jill Biden flew home, likely to make a good optical, at her stepson's trial on charges he lied on a gun application for a Colt Cobra 38. Estimates on the cost of this unnecessary trip? From $200,000 to $347,000 - depending on the news outlet reporting.
Adcording to some reports, the DNC (Democrat National Committee) will reimburst the federal government / taxpayers for some of that expense.
From ABC news:
"Taxpayers will front the majority of the first lady Dr. Jill Biden's travel between Paris, France and Wilmington, Delaward, last week when she broke away early after D-Day commemorations to attend Hunter Biden's trial, only to return to Paris a day later."
June 11, 2024: Window Dressing! Hunter Guilty On All Counts.
We at Nippies® are not the least bit surprised that the Delaware jury found Joe Biden's son, Hunter, guilty on all three counts of lying on a gun ownership application. The jury consisted of several people sympathetic to drug addicts, either with experience of drug addiction. One juror, at least, teared up on hearing Hunter's story of addiction. But, in our opinion, the 12 jurors HAD to find Hunter Biden guilty to make it seem like a comparable verdict with the President Donald J. Trump verdict, which was guilty on 34 counts.
But what will the sentence be for the First Son? That will be the important part. And will the sentence, if it is jail time or severe, be carried out?
Stay tuned for that.
May 31, 2024: Judge Juan Merchan Should Have Recused Himself
According to an article published by on April 5, 2023, Judge Juan Merchan, who immigrated to the United States from Bogota, Columbia at the age of six, contributed to Democrat organizations "Biden for President" and "Stop Republicans' / Act Blue.
Judge Juan Merchan Supported Biden and Democrat PAC
Just in case the above article is taken down, here is the actual URL.
(copy and paste)
Judge Juan Merchan not only donated to Democrat political organizations, his daughter, Loren Merchan, is the head of digital marketing agency Authentic Campaigns, which works with Democrat campaigns. Can you believe it?
Of interest, one of Juan Merchan's first appointment to the bench was by Democrat Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Other judicial appointments came from former New York Governor David Paterson, a Democrat, and the first African-American governor of that state.
DEMOCRATS GALORE....what could go wrong?
Unbelievably, Judge Juan Merchan has presided over other Trump cases, including Trump supporter Steve Bannon in 2022 and the case against the Trump Organization.
May 30, 2024: First They Came For...President Donald J. Trump
Today was a very sad day in America because we saw a man who paid a high price for loving his country.
What price? If you don't know, you must be watching the far-left media: CNN, MSNBC, etc. Or reading the Jeff Bezos rag owned Washington Post or the Progressive propaganda daily called the New York Times.
Regardless of your news sources, if you cheered at the guilty verdict, you have not done your research and due diligence. And we at Nippies® will not be bothered to do it for you. If you cheered, either inwardly or outwardly, you are a hopeless ignoramous.
The corruption in this Manhattan / New York City courtroom was nothing less than disgusting. It is lawfare against a political opponent.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out- because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out- because I wa not a trade unionist.
Then they came for teh Jews, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak for me.
- Martin Niemoller
May 13, 2024: Jerry Seinfeld & Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Old News
Well, well, well. Isn't it CONVENIENT?
Jerry Seinfeld gave the commencement address at Duke University over the weekend. Jerry is Jewish, and a strong supporter of Israel and the IDF efforts to destroy Hamas. So...
A handful of these protestors who likely hate Jews walked out in protest. Who cares? Thousands in the audience remained.
The walk-out certainly didn't hurt Jerry Seinfeld, one of the most successful comediens in American history. But it didn't end there.
Liberal media are dredging up the old affair that Jerry had from 1993 to 1997 with Shoshanna Lonstein, now married with the last name of Gruss and with her own successful fashion label - eponymously named Shoshanna. (We at Nippies have visited - the clothing is veryyy appealing).
But this Jerry and his teenaged girlfriend is OLD news! Who cares now?
The meeting happened in Central Park, not far from Shoshanna's wealthy parents' Upper East Side apartment - and not far from her eighteenth birthday. Shoshanna is Jewish, her parents were Jewish, Jerry was/is Jewish. The Lonsteins allegedly approved of their daughter dating a wealthy, famous, successful older Jewish man. No surprise there. And, by the way, was she even a virgin? WHo knows...and it's none of our business anyway.
Jerry and Shoshanna were a couple for four years, with her even attending college at UCLA to be close to Seinfeld and he taped and worked in the Los Angeles area. Then, as often happens, the couple broke up in 1997 after four years of togetherness. Jerry married Jessica Sklar in 1998 and went on to have three children. They are still married.
Rumour was that Shoshanna was heartbroken for a while, but she eventually met and married Josh Gruss in 2003. She and her husband had three children.
Happy Passover: April 22 thru April 30, 2024
The Jews all over the world are celebrating the feast of Passover / Pesach.
Passover is the seven day holy holiday celebrated by Jews to commemorate when the Angel of Death "passed over" their homes in Egypt, where they were held as slaves. The blood of a lamb was sprinkled over the doorway of each Jewish home to signal to the Angel to "pass over".
Jewish family and friends gather together on the first two nights of this very holy holiday. The Jews have a spedial meal called a seder on each night.
During the meal, the story of the exodus from Egypt is read aloud from a special text called the Haggadah (Hebrew for "telling", and rituals corresponding to various aspects of the narrative are performed. For example, vegetables are dipped into salt water representing the tears Jews shed during their time as slaves, and bitter herbs (usually horseradish) sympolizing the unpleasant years of their bondage are eaten.
The feast ends on the evening of April 30 for 2024.
April 1, 2024: White House Annual Easter Egg Roll / Contest BANS Religious Symbols
The theme is EGGucation, Jill Biden proclaims.
Chris Plante Show / WMAL today reporting the unbelievable. Well, first of all, Easter is the Holiest of Holy Days for Christians. It is the day Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior, rose from the dead after dying for the sins of the world. It is the one day of all the Holy Days you are taught, as a Christian, you must observe and attend Mass.
As Chris Plante said today on his radio show:
"Joe Biden, the fakest Catholic ever."
Outrageous. Unbelievable. Yet so expected is this administration, isn't it?
March 28, 2024: Slain NYC Hero Cop Funeral - Family Invited President Trump
Others Asked to Stay Away
Jonathan Diller was shot down this week by a career criminal at a routine traffic stop in Queens, New York City. The killer had been arrested, and released, about twenty times prior.
Jonathan and his wife, Staphanie, were the parents of a one-year-old son. That boy will never get to know his brave police officer father, Stephanie will not get to share in a life with her beloved husband. All because of thug Guy Rivera, 34 years old of Queens.
President Trump was invited by Jonathan's family to attend the wake. He accepted the invitation despite the constant onslaught of attacks he receives daily from the courts and the Far Left media and Democrats. The family wanted President Trump there because they know he is on the sides of LAW and ORDER, and police officers and military and those who defend Americans.
On the other hand, the Diller family asked that some New York City council members and politicians stay away. They are often responsible for the laws that allow violent criminals to be released from jail, or not jailed at all. And they do nothing to encourage respect for our police.
The death of Jonathan Diller should not have happened and would not have happened if Guy Rivera was kept in prison where he belongs. Senseless deaths and violence happen all too often....a cop pulls a suspect over and within seconds is dead. There is a police officer dead twenty one years this June whose grave I visit regularly because of it's close proximity to the graves of my mother, father and grandmother. The four never met in life, but are forever neighbors in death.
Rodny and I never met. He was killed in a similar situation to that of Jonathan Diller, but his death occurred in June 2003 in Virginia. Rodney too left behind a child = a young daughter who never got to know her father.
How many police officers have died on an ordinary day during a routine traffic stop? Too many. Almost all by career criminals who should not be free to roam and murder.
Pray for our police officers. They are brave men and women. Pray for our future safety in America. We seem to be heading into a lawless society where the evil are rewarded with freedom and those who commit lesser crimes have their
March 28, 2024: Got $500,000.00 for a Photo with Biden, Obama and Clinton?
Tonight, at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan, NYC, you can pose with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden for $500,000.00. It's a campaign fundraiser for the Democrats. Annie Leibovitz will be snapping the half-a-million dollar photo. This according to Chris Plante on WMAL in Washington D.C.
Word is also out that you can get in the door, if there are any tickets left, for $250.00. Nothing is cheap when it comes to the Democrats, is it?
March 28, 2024: Bar Rescue Fan? Read this!
We at Nippies® just discovered the Bar Rescue show on TV about a month ago. And we (Mr. Nippies & Iare hooked.
Every night we tune ito Pluto TV to watch a live streaming (not a live show) for free. Jon Taffer is famous, but we'd never heard of him until we stumbled upon this show - even though it's been around for over ten seasons and the Bar Rescue squad, led by Jon Taffer, has traveled the U.S. saving bars in danger of closing.
We don't live in Naples, Florida, but the word is that there's a man there who looks a lot like Joh Taffer. His name is Vic Caroleo and he's a preacher from New York who can be seen on local television stations. But, according to reports, he's allegedly telling people he meets in Naples, FL that he is Jon Tapper. A Miami Herald story alleges that Caroleo has been using Taffer's name to wrangled dates. (copy paste link below)
Read more on the story by copying and pasting the link below.
March 27, 2024: Obama Worried Trump Will Win?
How worried is Barack Obama that President Donald J. Trump will win again in November 2024? According to news reports among the major media outlets such as Newsmax and Fox, BHO is plenty worried.Not only is he, according to Newsmax and Fox, making almost daily calls to Biden's Chief of Staff, and top Biden campaign officials, he is planning to appear tomorrow (March 28, 2024) alongside Bill Clinton ane Joe Biden at New York City's Radio Music Hall for a major political fundraiser.
Copy and paste this link into your browser to read the Newsmax story.
...Report: Obama Steps Up Efforts for Biden as Trump Fears Rise
March 27, 2024 - Wednesday in Holy Week aka Spy Wednesday
On this day during Holy Week, Judas Iscariot agreed to spy on Jesus and turn him over to his enemies for 30 pieces of silver. Thirty pieces of silver was not a lot, according to, but it was the amount of silver paid to a paster when his slave was gored by an ox and had to be buried and replaced.
"In the Hebrew culture, thirty pieces of silver was not a lot of money, In fact, it was the exact price paid to the master of a slave if and when his slave was gored by an ox (Exodus21:32)
In order to compensate for a slave's death and burial, it was written into law that 30 pieces of silver would account for the cost."
March 20, 2025
Mr. Nippies just started singing the theme from Mister Ed, that popular sixties television series Of course, hearing that catchy tune lit a fire in me to write about that show, a childhood favorite. There were 143 episodes black and white episodes which aired from 1961 to 1966. And the theme song is one of the most popular from sixties television.
Mister Ed Theme Song
A horse is a horse, of cours, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse, of course,
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
Go right to the source and ask the horse
He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.
He's always on a steady course.
Talk to Mr. Ed.
People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day
But Mr. Ed will never speak unless he has something to say.
A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And this one'll talk 'til his voice is hoarse.
You never heard of a talking horse?
Well listen to this
I am Mister Ed.
The story Mister Ed was based on a children's story by Walter R. Brooks (1886 - 1958), and the book plot was originally abot a taling horse and his drunken owner. The Mister Ed television show my childhood was about Mister Ed, Wilbur (his architect owner who has his office in the barn), Wilbur's younger, blonde wife Carol and neighbors Addison and Kay. Most episodes Mister Ed got involved in a stunt and Wilbur was left to keep his talking a secret and clean up the mess tha Ed created. It was fun.
Both couples are childless.
We all loved that show. And one hos to wonder how there could have been 143 different episodes iwth such a limited plot line. But somehow the writers pulled off that feat.
March 19, 2024: Did Kate Middleton Feel Obligated To Make A Public Sppearance?
Princess Kate was seen out and about with her husband, Prince WIlliam, on a shopping trip to the Farm Shop not far from her home, where she has been recuperating from "planned abdominal surgery" in early January 2024. She is not scheduled to return to official duties until after Easter - sometime in April.
The press had been crazy with speculation about the exact nature of her surgery and why the long hospitalization (two weeks) and three month planned recuperation period.
To top it all off there was the now famous "doctored" Mother's Day photo which Kate admitted to photoshopping. That really sent waves of frenzied speculation throughout the world.
Well, Kate was seen by a few and snapped in a photo this past weekend looking happy and healthy. I hope Kate Middleton was up to the outing and not feeling forced to go out shopping just th quell the rampant rumprs.
Good luck and God bless, Kate. It must be a real burder no not have any privacy even in your most trying and private times.
March 18, 2024: Obama's "informal courtesy drop in" to England PM Rishi Sunak
On Monday (today), March 18, 2024, Barack Hussein Obama, the FORMER President of the United States, was spotted leaving 10 Downing Street in London. That is the official residence of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
According to the British newspaper, The Guardian:
"The prime minister's official spokeperson said Obama had made "an informal courtesy drop-in as part of his trip to London".
Bear in mind: Sunak was elected in 2022 - about 5 3/4 years after Obama left office. He and Obama never served as world leaders during the same time period. Obama's last trip to 10 Downing Street was in 2016 when David Cameron was Prime Minister.
So why the "courtesy" visit to PM Rishi Sunak if they didn't know each other? Obama is no longerma world leader, although he obviously fancies hemself to be one. Why does a world leader such as Rishi Sunak have time to spend an hour with a former world leader talking about anything?
The official reason for Obama's trip to London was for the Obama Foundation. Later today (March 18, 2024) Obama met with UK Labour leader, Keir Starmer, whom he also presumably didn't know. Why? What could that have to do with the Obama Foundation?
FYI: the official purpost of the Obama Foundation, taken right from the page:
Our mission is to inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world.
Sadly, the world of those living in the United States was far better before Barack Obama got into power and, along with his wife, Michelle Obama, began to stir racial division, even going so far as to refer to blacks as "we" and whites as "they". (Look up Michelle's commencement speech to the traditionally black Tuskegee U. Grads in 2015).
Many in the U.S., and throughout the world, suspect it is Barack Obama who is running the White House, and not Joe Biden. After all, Obama never left D.C. Indeed, his mansion is down the road from 1600 Pensylvania Avbenue. A popular D.C. radio host observed there are often cars from the Biden staff seen parked at Obama's Kalorama mansion.
Thus,no paper or electronic trail necessary for Obama to run things or make suggestions when in such close physical proximity.
Was Obama caught in the act during his trip to 10 Downing Street? No official announcement was made prior to his visit, and no official photos were taken of the meeting.
We at Nippies, sadly, know our U.S. taxpayers' dollars are funding, in part, the security detail for these trips to the UK and elsewhere around the world, and this will go on until Obama dies. He re-enacted lifetime Secret Service protection for himself beyond the ten years which was guaranteed former Presidents of the Unites States when he entered office.
March 6, 2024: President Trump Wins All States on Super Tuesday - Except for Vermont. Why? Keep Reading
Nikki Haley managed to squeek by and win Vermont by single digit percentage points. Why? Because Democrats can vote for a Reputlican candidate - it's an open primary.
Don't get too cocky, Nikki. You only won because Democrats voted for you because they are SO afraid of President Donald J. Trump getting into the White House and, once and for all, lifting all the rocks and draining the Swamp.
Yes, Nikki won one other primary - Washington D.C., which is not surprising if you know the demographics.
February 16, 2024: Happy Birthday To "The Queen"
Today would be the 75th birthday of "The Queen". She's in Heaven now - has been for two years.
No, she wasn't a real queen by country. Our family caller her that because she ended up being the matriarch far too early after the passing of our mother, then our eldest sister We at Nippies® won't go into the reasons for that. But she was wise, witty and worldly in a small town way.
The Queen was my roommate throughout most of my childhood. She was six years older than I, so we didn't share a lot of life experiences together in our formative years. But I knew hwer quite well, and she knew me. And we accepted each other.
The Queen was the epitome of stability. She held the same job for fifty-five years, rising to the very top position available to her: secretary to the president of the college where she worked. It was her first job (not counting a few months working in a factory the summer after high school graduation). She worked above and beyond at that job, often showing up at weekend events with her husband of over 50 years.
February 15, 2023: Eat a Sweet Potato, Live Longer? Worth Looking into...
We at Nippies® are NOT medical professionals and do NOT give medical or nutrition advice. That said, we are very interested in nutrition and, since our teens, have been reading about and researching the relation to food and health.
For that reason, we didn't eat hot dogs many decades - until Oscar Meyer came out with a no sodium nitrite product. And we, ate as many fruit and vegetables as we could, and stayed away, generally, from processed foods.
Are the eating habits of Nippies® perfect? No way. We occasionally eat Wise potato chips (ingredients only potatoes, oil and salt) Unfortunately, we smoked for years (Thank God, we quit decades ago), and there were a few years when we were a bit overweight - raising kids and eating their leftovers has a downsite.
About the smoking - every puff was ridden with guilt. We never took a puff without realizing what dirt we were putting into our body and only smoked half a cig...and limited our purcheses of those packs.
Back to nutrition. What did we have for breakfasat for today? We had boiled and mashed sweet potatoes. No Karo or brown sugar or marshmallows added - you don't need them. Salt, pepper or other spice are all you need- if anything.
As we said previously, we at Nippies® are not giving medical advice. But if you care about your health, do research on sweet potatoes. They are loaded with Vitamin A and fiber. Look up the benefits on those two.
January 30, 2024: Nobel Peace Price Nominee is (former) President Donald J. Trump.
And, in the opinion of Nippies® and many millions of Americans and others around the world, Donald J. Trump DESERVES this prize for his efforts toward peace in the Middle East through the Abraham Accords.
Barack Hussein Obama won the price in 2009, after taking the office of President of the United States. Here is what the Wikipedia entry says about why he won:
"The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama (b. 1961) for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama's promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a "new climate" in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world."
Welcome to 2024. Lookl like Obama's nuclear "nonproliferation" dream didn't work - Iran is allegedly days or weeks ago from developing a nuclear bomb. And the BILLIONJ$ Obama sent them, and, later Biden, hasn't help the United States to be safer, nor the rest of the world.
Too bad you can't take the Nobel Prize back.
January 29, 2024: On this date, in 1886, Carl / Karl Benz was awarded a patent for the first automobile.
The first automobile was called a Motorwagen, invented by Karl Benz of Germany. His company became Mercedes Benz. Many people thin Henry Ford invented the car and that the first car was the Model T. Ford didn't, and it wasn't.
That first automobile looked like a bicycle more than our idea of a modern car.
There was not even a roof over the car, and it ran by a gas motor. Karl Benz was the founder of what became the Mercedes Benz company.
Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant was Karl Benz's original name, and the name of his first company was Benz & Cie, based in Mannheim, Germany.
(Source is Wikipedia. Please check for updates).
January 22, 2024: U.S Has Slipped To 48th In Life Expectancy at Birth
Canada, with it's universal healthcare that American doctors are fond of trashing, is 8th.
About 8 or so years ago, we at Nippies® wrote a story about our status, and that of other countries, in longevity. We are currently updating Nippies® and®, so we checked to see where we now stood in world standing for longevity.
Canada had gone UP to #6, we had gone DOWN to #48.
Here is the CIA.GOV link, current as of 2023.
World Life Expectancy at Birth - CIA.GOV
January 22, 2024
We at Nippies® haven't written any original stories in a while, and while working tonight (updating this website), two came to mind.
One will be entitled Miss December. The second The Child Who Sits Alone.
No, we will not give hints at what story each will tell, but there will be truth. We are only writing down the working titles now so we will be sure to flesh them out later.
January 19, 2024: IRS Worker Took Job Specifically To Leak Trump Tax Records.
Charles Edward Littlejohn Plead Guilty - Sentencing Jan. 29, 2024
Charles Edward Littlejohn, from Washington D.C., was charged by the DOJ in October 2023 for applying for, and securing, a job with the IRS with the express purpose of obtaining, and leaking, the tax records of then President Donald J. Trump and others.
President Trump was described as "Public Official A" in the DOJ papers.
Littlejohn stole and released the records between August 2019 and August 2020.
Photo of Charles Edward LIttlejohn not available to us.
However, CNN claims to have a photo of a Charles Littlejohn here:
CMM article with Charles LIttlejohn outside a D.C. court house
The names of whose tax records were released was not specified in the October 2023 Press Release from the website. However, the news broke on January 17, 2023 in various outlets thta PUBLIC OFFICIAL A was, indeed, President (at the time) Donald J. Trump.
We at Nippies® first heard the news on the Chris Plante show on WMAL / 105.9 fm.
Here is the headline at
IRS Contractor Pleads Guilty to Disclosing Tax Return Information to News Organizations
In the Department of Justice Press Release of Oct. 12, 2023, President Trump is not named specifically. Instead, he is referred to as "PUBLIC OFFICIAL A", and the illegal access of President Trump's tax returns took place in July and August 2020...shortly before the 2020 Election.
Here is an excerpt from the official DOJ Press Release of October 2023:
"According to court documents, Littlejohn, while working at the IRS as a government contractor, stole tax return information associated with a high-ranking government official (Public Official A). Littlejohn accessed tax returns associated with Public Official A – and related individuals and entities – on an IRS database after using broad search parameters designed to conceal the true purpose of his queries. He then evaded IRS protocols established to detect and prevent large downloads or uploads from IRS devices or systems. Littlejohn then saved the tax returns to multiple personal storage devices, including an iPod, before contacting News Organization 1. Between around August 2019 and October 2019, Littlejohn provided News Organization 1 with the tax return information associated with Public Official A. Littlejohn then stole additional tax return information related to Public Official A and provided it to News Organization 1. In September 2020, News Organization 1 published a series of articles about Public Official A’s tax returns."
United States v. Charles E. Littlejohn
PRESS RELEASE from the DOJ: President Trump is "Public Official A"
DOJ Press Release on Charles Edward Littlejohn
Sentencing Scheduled by Trump Challenging Judge Will Take Place January 29, 2024
Sentencing is set for January 29, 2024, scheduled by U.S. District Judge Ana Reye. Research by Nippies® revealed that, according to information found on her Wikipedia, Judge Reyes appears to have very strong Liberal leanings, Some may even say her leanings are to the far Left. Judge Reyes worked for the Feminist Majority Foundation for a year before heading off to Obama's law school, Harvard Law, where she was editor, like Barack Obama, of the Harvard Law Review.
According to WIkipedia:
"In 2018, Reyes was part of the legal team challenging the Trump administration's restrictions on refugees entering the United States through ports of entry."
What can possibly go wrong?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
January 18, 2024: Donald Trump Assassination Threat "Through the roof".
- Dan Bongino, former Secret Service agent and current WMal 105.9 radio host.
Well, THEY (the Left, Obama followers, Democrats) have tried everything and anything to stop Donald J. Trump from being re-elected to the White House. Everything.
Like what? False accusations, Slanting statements. Frivolous lawsuits, Targeting supporters and lawyers who represent Donald J. Trump (look up Project 65).
All these attempts to stop President Trump from drainng THE SWAMP and exposing the corruption in D.C. have not, thus far, been successful. Trump keeps on keeping on. No matter what. And, because of his toughness, love of America, and resilience - Donald J. Trump is headed toward the the GOP nomination for 2024 kuje a juggernauut. Minority groups who were once solidly loyal to the DNC / Democrat party are switching. So what's left to do?
Well, when all else fails, what is left? The terrible "A" word. Assassination.
We at Nippies ® are terrified for this man who was, in our opinion, the greatest American President in modern history.
We at Nippies ® pray every night for our loved ones, and Donald J. Trump, as well. Because it is obvious that some people who are terrified of his TRUTH and COURAGE will stop at nothing to stop him.
Pray for America,and for Donald J. Trump.
January 16, 2024: From the Webmaster of Nippies®
Nippies® has been online since 1999. Our 25th / Silver Anniversary is this year!
We will soon be moving to a new web host. Come back often for information.
For now, we are busy updating and archiving our pagesto separate "issues" of Nippies® Magazine. For now, all of 2023 and 2024 will remain here. But 2020, 2023, 2022 has been moved to "archives".
Find the ARCHIVES link at the bottom of this page.
Thank you for many years of patronage.
We at Nippies ® and<>®plan to be here for many more, God willing.
January 15, 2024: 937% Heart Failure Increase in Military Post COVID Vaccines.
"A United States Navy Medical Service Corps whistleblower recently disclosed information from the Department of Defense that reportedly shows a major increase in military pilots with heart-related issues after the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination."
Copy and paste link below. We at Nippies® no longer post links, as they frequently are removed and a "dead link" hurts a website.
January 13, 2024: Pro Palestinian Rioters Try To Breach White House- NO ARRESTS?
We at Nippies ® read with great alarm that pro-Palestinian rioters tried to climb over our American White House protective fence and were NOT ARRESTED.
This was not a "mostly peaceful protest", as the Democrats and Leftists are fond of calling RIOTS which result in aggression and violence.
According to an article by Katherine Donlevy of the New York Post (last night, 11pm breaking news), the protective fence surrounding was broken, pro-Palestinian aggressors were trying to breach that fence, and one person was photographed atop a pillar waving a PALESTINIAN FLAG.
No doubt this photo will win an award.
No one was shot? NO ONE WAS ARRESTED?
Do some research on Ashli Babbitt, a 12 year U.S. military veteran, a wife, a mother, who was UNARMED yet shot and killed by a Capitol police officer when she tried to climb thru a broken window (she didn't break it) at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021.
There have been hundreds of Americans arrested - with more to come no doubt - just for being on Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021, when Americans were protesting the results of the 2020 election.
What did these Americans want? We believe an investigation before the results were deemed final. No one really believed that Joe Biden received 81 million AUTHENTIC votes when he sometimes could not garner 20 people at one of his rallies.
January 10, 2024
NIPPIES ® Predicts: Michelle Obama Will Run for President 2024
It's not official. She didn't announce it.
But you listened / watched the Jay Shetty podcast where Michelle Obama appeared out of the book to publicize, no public speaking tour to push, just showed up.
Obama watchers (and we at Nippies® are one of those) can come to only one conlusion.
Michelle Robinson Obama is sure making noises which indicate she plans to run for President of the United States in 2024.
Any American who has the B.S. Leftist News cleaned out their ears can hear the power hungry call of Michelle.
And we at Nippies ® see the coming of Obama's 5th term.
Yes....FIFTH TERM. He never really gave up power or left Washington D.C> - even while President Trump was in office. Obama remained in D.C. to interfere in the presidency of President Donald J. Trump. That is the opinion of many, including we at NIPPIES 7#174..
Barack Hussein Obama remained in his Kalorama D.C. mansion all during President Donald J. Trump's 4 years in office. Michelle Obama told Barbara Waters, in a 2013 interview, that the Obamas would remain in D.C. while Sasha finished school.
"We gotta make sure she's doing well until she goes off to college."
"Sasha will have a big say in where we are."
Barack Obama regularly flew out, at taxpayers expense, to deliver six figure fee anti-Trump talks and to apologize for America.
What we've been dreading is here: 8 more years for the Obamas. After 16 years already. And yes, it's been 16 years. Barack Obama has been living in D.C. since 2008. Unlike any other POTUS, he stayed after leaving office. Obama and his wife used their daughter, Natasha / Sasha, as the official reason for staying in D.C. after he left office. Accoding to a BBC article, Barack told a Wisconsin audience member he'd stay in D.C. after leaving the White House for Sasha.
BBC Article: Obama will stay in D.C. for Sasha.
Michelle told Barbara Walters in a 2013 interview that the Obamas had no plans to leave D.C. after his second term ended, that they wanted to be there for their youngest daughter, Sasha, as she finished school at Sidwell Friends School.
The Obama / Sasha D.C. Excuse Expired in 2019
Sasha finished school at Sidwell in 2019, and and left D.C. for college in Ann Arbor, MI at the University of Michigan. She transferred to USC in in 2022, where she graduated in 2923 on May 12. Of course, Micheele and Barack attended the graduation. It was well publicized.
So now we have almost five years - FIVE YEARS - since Sasha finished her education in D.C. Yet the Obamas remain in their mansion in Kalorama, D.C. - not far from the White House.
And now we have Michelle Obama popping up out of nowhere to say she's "terrified" regarding the 2024 election. Ahem.
We all know she, along with her husband, hates Donald J. Trump because he proved he had the "magic wand" that Barack Obama said he didn't have to improve our country. President Trump ignored the negativity of Barack Obama on America and eraced the "Obama Legacy". President Trump became the best POTUS since Ronald Reagan. Our country was safe. The economy was good. Our enemies were afraid of us.
What offends Michelle Obama, Shetty asks. Injustice, racism, greed, ego.
Lordy, this woman needs to look in a mirror. Is that any more injustice done to a human that that to Donald J. Trump, who left a life of luxury to serve his country as President? Who LOST money while servive as POTUS (and took NO SALARY)?
Is there any larger ego than that of Barck Obama, who spent most of his life getting himself elected to the highest office in the United States? Who won his first public office by eliminating ALL of his opponents because of a signature tecnicality? Who has divided the country, at every opportunity, by race and sexual identity? Who does not hide his partiality towards the black race and his hatred of whites? Who is now heading, if not already there, to billionaire status gotten mostly by biased media consultation (specifically Netflix), speeches and division? Who has spent much of his life getting even with Donald J. Trump for questioning his birth status, which should have been firmly established BEFGRE Obama's run for POTUS, and, then, for outperforming his as POTUS?
Now Michelle Obama is poking her head out and getting ready to run, to stop the horrible transformation of America promised ty Barack Obama. She refers to her husband several times during this interview, saying he knows everything abou everything in the world.
We at Nippies ® beg to differ.
Michelle also claims that Barack Obama is a facts / science guy. That's questionable, in the opinion of Nippies ®.
We at Nippies ® disagree.
In Barack's July 2016 anti-cop speech from Poland, delivered after armed Alton Sterling was killed while resisting arrest, and which, we at Nippies ® believe, was the cause of 8 Dallas TX and Baton Rough LA cops being executed by blacks within 10 days,
Barack cherry-picked his statistics.
Hey, Michelle - cherry picking stats to inspire anger and violence is NOT scientific.
God, we at Nippies ® hope and pray we are wrong on this...but we are so fearful Michelle Obama plans to run in 2024, and finish the job Obama started, to "fundamentally transform" America- into a third world nation.
If you watch this interview with Jay Shetty, who is an Indian raised and educated in England, whose mother was raised in Yemen (whose population is almost 100% Muslim) you will see him repeatedly shaking his head in agreement with Michelle Obama.
Michelle Obama takes multiple, thinly disguised jabs at Donald J. Trump - even referring to him as "childish".. We at Nippies ® believe that the reason she gave the interview was to take jabs at President Trump, and begin gathering support for her 2024 run.
Watch the interview and see whta we mean.
"I don't like injustice. I don't like bullies." So Michelle says. Hmmm...does she now realize that Donald J. Trump is likely the most bullied man in American history? That his 91 counts are being carried out by Obama sycopants? That most of these bullies are likely doing the bidding of Barack Hussein Obama?
We at Nippies ® think Michelle Obama knows all this. And she approves.
Lord Jesus Help Us All.
January 2, 2024: John Lennon on Happiness = He was right....
"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life."
How I wish I'd read that quote, and internalized it, many decades ago.
I bought that poster for my grandson for Christmas. He's much like me. I pray he puts it on his wall and looks at it dails.
He's driven by Catholic guilt, as I was once long ago, and very eager to please those who are eager to please themselves, and no one else.
Crumb Throwers.
From the Webmaster of Nippies®: We are currently updating Nippies® and®.
Our years previous to 2024 will be moved into separate pages (archived).
For now, 2023 will remain on this page.All other years are available on our ARCHIVED pages.
Scroll to the bottom of this page for the link.
We at Nippies®We at Nippies® have been online since 1999, and will continue to write for as long as God is willing.
Thank you to all who have been with us these pasat 25 years.
Christmas Season 2023: Caitlyn Jenner on Hannity / Leo Tyrell
OMG...Listening to the "1976 Greatest Athlete In The World" - Bruce Jenner, now known as Caitlyn Jenner.
We love Leo Tyrell. He's guest-hosting for Sean Hannity during Christmas 2023.
Bruce Jenner / aka Caitlyn Jenner being interviewed by the great Leo Terrell.
We love you, Leo. And we at Nippies ® love Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner, "The Greatset Athlete In the World"
Catilyn, formerly Bruce jenner, is 100% behind Donald J. Trump, in his own wods, accordng to his interview on the Hannity show of today.
Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner showing the same Lion Heart he/ she showed while becoming the USA Opympic winner in 1976. We at Nippies ® loved you then, and now. God bless.
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