Nippies® - an online magazine
Nippies Magazine Issue #33

  •®: Last Issue - Winter 2007 -2008
    Articles on Michael Moore's SICKO exposes scare tactics against the universal healthcare benefits, Tammy Faye Baker, Megan Meier Suicide, China's Growing Wealth and more.

  •®: Classic Literature in the public domain
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  • Welcome to NIPPIES® On-line... since 1999!
    We take little "nippies" out of every subject:

    VIP = (Very Important Person).

    NIP = (Not Important Person) - to some.

    • "The art of conversation lies not only in saying the right thing at the right time, but in leaving unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
      - John Daly, host of "What's My Line", news correspondent, personality and much more.
    • "The entire history of the world has consisted of a battle between the selfish and the unselfish."
      - William Holden's character "Paul Verrall" in Born Yesterday, play and film written by Garson Kanin.

    NIPPIES®, an online magazine, is written from a working class viewpoint, and especially delights in reporting on the darker sides of Big Business or, to coin a phrase, Cut-and-Paste America

    While we at NIPPIES® love to report on celebrity gossip and entertainment news, we also wants to keep you informed on any and every subject that may touch your life: pharmaceutical companies, advertising, rising health insurance, minimum wage and low-paying jobs, lawsuits, fashion, trends, music, and more!

    Looking for a board certified plastic surgeon for your liposuction, BOTOX ®, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck or other cosmetic surgery procedure?
    Board Certified Plastic

    Do you suspect your partner of cheating?
    NIPPIES explores the world of cheaters in
    NIPPIES® Issue 29: Signs of a cheating husband or wife.

    Nippies was in Las Vegas when Carlin passed
    You always remember where you were, don't you, when you hear about a great person passing?
    Well, I was in Las Vegas (where I am currently writing this piece) when the the news silent news about George Carlin passed across the hotel television screen. I'll never forget it. George Carlin's death at heart failure hit me hard. I know his death from heart failure will hit many from my generation.

    NIPPIES Magazine recently visited Old Town - Las Vegas. Our favorite casino there was Binion's. Loved the wood. I first heard of him in eighth grade. The boys at St. John's grade school thought he was the coolest. The girls pertended not to care, but we thought he was cool, too.

    George Carlin had a lot in common with me and my cronies. He attended a Catholic high school in the Bronx...the same one as Martin Scorsese and Regis Philbin. But George ended up an athiest. Or, as he liked to say, he was a devout Frisbeetarian. Something about how when you die your soul ends up on the roof, like all Frisbees ®. (NIPPIES never could tell a joke: sorry George).

    Many people know about the rough and wild side of George Carlin. Our generation was at first delighted at his outrageousness but later appreciated his intelligence. But there was alot more to him. He was also a father and devoted husband. He and his first wife, Brenda, were married about 36 years until she passed away on Mother's Day 1997. They had one daughter, Kelly.

    Carlin remarried and left behind a second wife, Sally Wade.

    The world is a little heavier, not lighter, since George Carlin got off. Although he was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools, he expressed nihilistic views for most of his life. We don't know enough about him or how he felt about God in his later years. We only know we are sad at his passing.

    Please read an article written by George and Brenda's daughter, Kelly (a writer) shortly after Mrs. Carlin passed away:
    Brenda Carlin-McCall

    Who is the guy with the Orange Boxing Gloves who, literally, stands behind Hillary Clinton while she speaks and cheers her to fight on?

    His name is Dee Batista.
    This guy is just the coolest. He is seen in many news clips standing just behind Hillary Clinton as she makes campaign speeches. He wears orange boxing gloves. Who is he?

    Jeanne Moos, one of the few people at CNN that we can stand lately, just did one of her cool segments on the very biased news network. She showed clip after clip of an African-American waving arms that ended in orange boxing gloves. The young man is nearly always behind Hillary and definitely within easy camera range. Is he a paid Hillary plant, Jeanne asks?

    Turns out the answer is NO. The guy is a huge Hillary supporter who follows her on the campaign trail at HIS OWN EXPENSE. Near him is a friend who waves a bowling pin.

    You guys GO. We hope that when the smoke clears and Hillary wins that you will be given a place of honor at her inauguration.

    By the way, Jeanne Moos' name is one of the most understood on CNN. We've heard other refer to her as Jeannie Moos, Jennie Most, Jennie Moose, and on and on. The first few years we watched her we called her Jennie Most.

    Here is a link to Ms. Moos's profile on CNN: Jeanne Moos - CNN

    Link to - Orange Boxing Gloves Guy with Hillary's Campaign

    NIPPIES will share an interesting eight loss story with you in the coming weeks.

    We at NIPPIES ask for continued prayers for U.S. Troops

    Does CNN Favor Barack Obama Over Hillary Clinton?
    We at NIPPIES have noticed something...
    It seems as thought every time we at NIPPIES tune into CNN we see Barack Obama on there. Or we see one of CNN's "news" correspondents repairing Barack's reputation for him. Don't believe us? Try tuning into CNN at any time of the day or night. Start the clock running. Chances are very good that within 120 seconds....and probably a lot'll either see Barack himself OR a Obama sycophant.

    Here's what we at NIPPIES is pretty good proof that CNN has been favoring Barack Obama for the past year.

    Go to GOOGLE. Put in these keywords:
    Barack Obama AND CNN
    (It is most likely very changed by the time you type do your search).

    You'll get about over 1,000,000. And the one at the top of the list is typical: "CNN Debunks False Report about Barack Obama".

    The story goes on to report that:
    "Allegations that Sen. Barack Obama was educated in a radical Muslim school known as a "madrassa" are not accurate, according to ..."

    And yet, furher on in the story:
    "Obama has noted in his two books, "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope," that he spent two years in a Muslim school and another two years in a Catholic school while living in Indonesia from age 6 to 10."

    So, which is it? He attended a Muslim school, or he did not.

    CNN further panders to Obama. Scroll down to where it says that "CNN Apologizes to Obama..."

    Now put in:

    "Hillary Clinton" AND CNN
    You'll get about 831,000 results. 170,00 LESS from CNN than Obama. And, we at NIPPIES noticed, the very first result (after her CNN profile) is NOT one where CNN is defending here. Nope. The first CNN result after her profile states:
    Clinton's 'plantation' remark draws fire - Jan 17, 2006
    Jan 17, 2006 ... WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton drew criticism Tuesday for a Martin Luther King Jr. Day speech in which she told a mostly black ...


    ChucK Negron's Remarkable Recovery from Heroin Addiction
    Everyone remembers the songs...Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog, One, Easy to Be Hard. They were just a few of the many top 20 hits of the 60's - 70's superband, Three Dog Night. The last two songs, both sung by Chuck Negron, are among the alltime favorite songs of NIPPIES. Few people except the most diehard TDN fans remember the names of the three (then) young men who fronted made up the three vocalists of the group. They were Corey Wells, Danny Hutton and Chuck Negron. Ever fewer know the story of Negron's battle with heroin addiction which covered two decades. We at NIPPIES recently read that story and it made a fascinating read. The book is entitled Three Dog Nightmare.

    (to be continued)

    Commercials We Love to Hate
    Is a really BAD commercial in reality a GOOD commercial? Probably. We at NIPPIES have always marveled at how a commercial that gets on our nerves will not repel us but rivet us every time it comes on.

    There is a new commerical we at NIPPIES LOVE to HATE. It's the commercial with the band in the CAR. This is the third in a series of commercials that this trio as done for In the first the lead singer is dressed as a pirate-host in a tourist-area seafood restaurant because he didn't keep his eye on his credit report. In the second, more ridiculous, commercial the same singer married his "dream girl" but blames her that they ended up living in her parents' basement because, oh my, he didn't check her credit before exchanging vows. She had BAD CREDIT!

    But we at NIPPIES digress. The Big Daddy of the bad commercials in this series, the one that gets on our nerves the most, is the one in the car. Probably this is because of the faces that two of the band members make: the blond guitar player in the back seat looks lazy as hell and makes a sloth-like face. The driver/lead-singer makes an undescribly lazy-arrogant-stupid face that defies description at the end.

    Here's a real treat: a video with ALL three commercials which feature this fake or real band...we don't know.. Commerical We Love to Hate.

    We at NIPPIES want to know who comes up with these ideas for commercials. It seems that, lately, the commercials are more riveting that network television.

    How well do you really know Barack Hussein Obama?
    Barack Hussein Obama on - watch until the very end, please
    The first time we at NIPPIES ever heard of Barack Obama was on January 18, 2007. I was flipping through the channels and landed on Conan O'Brien. I never watch Conan. But the late night host was clearly fawning over this man whom I'd never seen before. Who was this guy? It was Barack Obama.

    We at NIPPIES thought Barack was doing a good job at turning on the charm. Conan was delighted with him. He asked if it was true that Obama was thinking of running for president. I don't remember what Barack Obama said, but it clearly gave me the idea that this man was going to be running for president.

    After that we at NIPPIES heard a LOT about Barack Obama. Now we've all heard of him. But what do we really know? We know he appears to be black. We know is a Harvard educated lawyer, as is his wife, Michelle. But many don't know his mother was white. Does this matter? It should not, of course. Race should never be in issue in a presidential election. But because Barack hahs consistently mentioned Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Dream in his talks, it makes you wonder if he isn't appealing to the black voters as a black man instead of as a man who is, in truth, both black AND white. Regardless, it appears that having black skin has not been an obstacle to success for Mr. Obama.

    We at NIPPIES know that Barack Obama has not lead a life of poverty or near poverty or financial and/or social struggle as many of us have - be it the underprivileged black, white, red or yellow. Neither have most of the other frontrunners. (Huckabee, who withdrew from the Republican race in early March 2008, had humble beginnings: his father was a firefighter.) But do the rest of the poor of this country know this? Be they black, yellow, white, Hispanic, Asian, Irish or whatever - if life's strugglers are feeling a camaraderie with this man because they think that he's fought his way out of the ghetto - well, they are quite wrong. Barack's mother was not only white, but she was highly educated. His father, Barack Obama Sr., may have been the "son of a goat herder", but he attended college in Hawaii and Harvard before leaving his wife and son and returning to his native Kenya. Barack appears to have enjoyed a life of privilege and comfort far, far from any poor neighborhood.

    Stanley Crouch of the New York Daily News, said this (November 2006) about Obama:
    "So when black Americans refer to Obama as "one of us," I do not know what they are talking about. In his new book, "The Audacity of Hope," Obama makes it clear that, while he has experienced some light versions of typical racial stereotypes, he cannot claim those problems as his own - nor has he lived the life of a black American..."

    There is a lot to Barack we don't know, but are now beginning to get to know. For instance, when his campaign began to gain steam last year, most of us thought he was always from Chicago,IL. Chicago is his home now. But he was actually raised mostly outside the continental United States in Hawaii and Indonesia. It was in Indonesia where Barack spent his most formative years between first grade and junior high school. He attended a school based in the Islamic religion.

    When it was time to attend high school, Barack wanted to return to Hawaii. His mother stayed in Indonesia with her second child. Barack lived with his mothers' parents while in high school. After graduating from high school in Hawaii, he attended college in the continental U.S. You can read more about Barack at

    Many American voters didn't know about Barack's early years, nor did they know about his full name: Barack Hussein Obama. Is his middle name important? Not really. But it is not uncommon to have the middle name of presidential candidates put up front: ...Richard Milhouse Nixon, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Hilary Rodham Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton, John Fitzgerald Kennedy...

    The name Hussein is often associated with Islam. Yes, it was the last name of Sadam Hussein. It was also the name of the prophet Mohammed's grandson, according to popular San Francisco-based talk show host Michael Savage (The Savage Nation.) Many people of the Islamic religion have this as a first or last name. Barack did attend a school in his younger years in Indonesia. The predominant religion in this country is, and has been for centuries, Islam. He took his classes during this time in the Indonesian language. That's common knowledge. One has to wonder how he got that Southern accent he seemed to use when, while recently speaking about being a Christian, he pronounced the word "Sunday" as "Sun Duh", a question raised by Michael Savage.

    And he also misused the word sometimes as sometime. Would a Harvard-educated man do this? Or was this just an adjustment to his speech to make others feel like he is just like them?

    We don't have a link to the clip that Michael Savage played, but here's another clip of Obama on speaking in Selma AL and using what appears to be a Southern accent: Barack: Fake Southern Accent at Southern Church?.

    Here's another clip addressing what many seem to think is a "phony" accent: Barack Obama: Man of 1000 Voices.
    Barack, unable to claim slave roots like many U.S. blacks, nicely ties into the civil rights theme for this crowd by telling the story of how his goat-herding grandfather in Africa (Kenya) had a vision for his own son to have a better life. (Barack's father grew up to win a scholarship to an American college and is a Harvard grad.)

    Hilary Clinton is accused of affencting a similar fake Southern accent. Hilary Southern Accent?.

    Barack is now, he says, a practicing Christian. He is named after his father, Barack Sr. Did Barack's father practice the Islamic faith? Regardless, the name "Barack Hussein Obama" apparently fascinates many people. There are nearly half a million results on GOOGLE when you search "Barack Hussein Obama".

    Barack's mothers name was Stanley Ann Dunham. We at NIPPIES looker her up. She was a pretty woman. She was born in the continental United States but moved to Hawaii with her parents at a young age. And she was a white woman, as well. There are photos of Barack, his mother, his father, and other family members found in the Chicago Tribune photo gallery found here: Photos of Barack Obama

    Stanley Ann Dunham is described as an intelligent, articulate and worldly woman who was not afraid to embrace the new and different. Read more about her here: Barack Obama's Mother: Stanley Ann Dunham.

    Why are we at NIPPIES bothering to write about all this? Well, the reason is simple. We don't think anyone should vote for anyone based on their skin color. Neither should they vote for any other reason other than qualifications and background. But we at NIPPIES are going to say what many others are afraid to say...we suspect many blacks are voting for Barack based on his skin color AND because of his frequent invocation of the name of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    We at NIPPIES have to wonder why so many young people are being seduced by Barack. We have a theory or two... he's young, he's internet savvy, young people think he's cool because he talks of CHANGE without really telling us exact specifics.( Well, he does mention how he will use diplomacy.) He keeps pounding Hilary for voting for the war in Iraq. Was he eligible to vote for the war? NO, he wasn't in Congress then. The vote came on October 11, 2002. Barack Obama became a U.S. Senator in 2005. After only 2 years in Washington he thinks he can run the country? Some may see that sort of logic as a bit naive.

    On February 28, 2008, John Lewis, well known duper delegate from Georgia who happens to be black, withdrew his support of Hilary Clinton as a presidential and gave it to Barack Obama. John Lewis Withdraw Clinton Support and Goes to Barack. According to an article from, Mr. Lewis states he switched to be on the side of the people. This web site states that 90% of the black vote in Georgia went to Obama and that that stat reflects the nationwide average.

    Also according to the story on, others are making the same move toward Obama:
    "His (Lewis's) change of heart follows a similar move by Rep. David Scott, a black Democrat who represents a neighboring district".

    We at NIPPIES also wonder why Michelle Obama, Barack's wife (who is also highly educated, a lawyer, and quite articulate) was, in our opinion, basically given a pass by the press after publicly saying: "For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I Am Really Proud of My Country�. Some Americans consider that sentence an unmistakable insult to our country. The initial fury over that statement was quickly doused because, unlike others in the past who have made statements that certain groups considered insulting, the press did NOT hound Michelle over and over again. After a few days the media moved on. Would they do this for any other candidate who had said something similar? We at NIPPIES don't think they would.

    We are NOT saying that anyone should NOT vote for Barack. What we at NIPPIES are saying is that everyone should get to know a LOT more about him before he gets your support. Look up his political experience. Is it enough to run the United States of America? Look up his background. Are you happy voting for someone who spent very few of his formative years in the typical U.S. culture? Think think think.

    An informed voter considers the negative as well as the positive about a candidate. There is a LOT of positive information out there about Obama - much of it either vague or evasive. We found a web site that is devoted to balancing all the overwhelmingly positive media coverage with some other inforation about Barack which some might ocnsider negative - others just plain truthful. Here is the web site:

    Look up and down and all around. Think with your EYES closed. Then cast your vote.

    UPDATE MARCH 15, 2008:
    Before it disappears, and if you have been watching CNN you won't see it for long, listen to the hate speech given by Barack Obama's preacher of nearly 20 years...Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright is an admirer of Louis Farrakhan, you should also know.
    Jeremiah Wright Hate Speech

    Read our recently NIPPIES ® MAGAZINE: WINTER 2007 - 2008 ISSUE

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    While we at Nippies love to report on celebrity and entertainment news, Nippies also wants to keep you informed on any and every subject that may touch your life: pharmaceutical ads, rising health insurance, low-paying jobs, lawsuits, fashion, trends, music, and more! Written from a working class viewpoint.

    Nippies especially delights in reporting on the darker sides of Cut-and-Paste-America, to coin a phrase, which many call Big Business!

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    NIPPIES - November 1 to October 3rd, 2002: NIPPIES - Issue #3
    NIPPIES - December 11 to October 31st, 2002: NIPPIES - Issue #4
    NIPPIES - January 2, 2003 to Dec. 12, 2002 : NIPPIES - Issue #5
    NIPPIES - January 25th to January 3rd, 2003: NIPPIES - Issue #6
    NIPPIES - February 2nd to January 23rd, 2003: MIPPIES - Issue #7
    NIPPIES - March 10th to February 3rd, 2003: NIPPIES - Issue #8
    NIPPIES - June 7th to March 11th, 2003: NIPPIES - Issue #9
    NIPPIES - June 16th - July 15th, 2003: NIPPIES - Issue #10
    NIPPIES - October 16th - August 13th, 2003: NIPPIES - Issue #11
    NIPPIES - November 15th - October 18th, 2003: NIPPIES - Issue #12
    NIPPIES - December 31st - November 21st, 2003: NIPPIES - Issue #13

    NIPPIES - February 6th, - January 1st, 2004: NIPPIES - Issue #14
    NIPPIES - March 3rd, - February 9th, 2004: NIPPIES - Issue #15
    NIPPIES - May 13th, - March 5th, 2004: NIPPIES - Issue #16
    NIPPIES - August 31st - May 13, 2004: NIPPIES - Issue #17
    NIPPIES - September 9th - October 29th, 2004:NIPPIES - Issue #18

    NIPPIES - October 31 - November 24, 2004:NIPPIES - Issue #19
    NIPPIES - November 26 - December 30, 2004:NIPPIES - Issue #20
    NIPPIES - January 1 - January 31, 2005:NIPPIES - Issue #21
    NIPPIES - Feb. 28 - February 4, 2005:NIPPIES - Issue #22

    NIPPIES - March 30 - March 1, 2005:NIPPIES - Issue #23
    NIPPIES - April 30 - April 1, 2005:NIPPIES - Issue #24
    NIPPIES - May 31 - May 1, 2005:NIPPIES - Issue #25
    NIPPIES - Summer 2005:NIPPIES - Issue #26
    NIPPIES - Fall 2005:NIPPIES - Issue #27
    NIPPIES - Winter 2005-2006:NIPPIES - Issue #28
    NIPPIES - Summer 2006:NIPPIES - Issue #29
    NIPPIES - Fall - Early Winter 2006:NIPPIES - Issue #30
    NIPPIES - Spring 2007:NIPPIES - Issue #31
    NIPPIES - WINTER 2007 - 2008:NIPPIES - Issue #32

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